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I have done service work before but nothing like what I experienced on the ACE in Costa Rica program. This experience was a well-rounded powerhouse for immersion and education in the Costa Rican culture. We saw the natural beauties of the Costa Rican coast and learned how human greed is slowly tearing it down. We were hands-on in the community: harvesting cacao, doing maintenance at the local schools, cleaning beaches, and helping the local turtle organization protect the leatherback sea turtle population. Although these things would be highlights of any other service experience, they will not be what I remember most from my two weeks in Gandoca, Costa Rica. I will forever remember the abundance of connection that was on the trip. The connections in this community run deep, creating family support systems like I have never seen. I was amazed at how quickly the student-athletes connected with one another as well. But what made this trip exceedingly special was how we were able to connect with the community. We were not outsiders coming in, starting new service projects, and teaching locals how to do things differently; We were truly immersing ourselves in their lives, doing what they would do daily, eating what they eat, and helping with projects that were already in motion. We felt connected and welcomed completely.

I have done service work before but nothing like what I experienced on the ACE in Costa Rica program. This experience was a well-rounded powerhouse for immersion and education in the Costa Rican culture.

Many of the Duke student-athletes in this program came from different teams and did not know each other very well. Although I had already known a lot of the group coming in, I was amazed at how quickly and well the entire team came together. It was an unlikely team, and we quickly became family. I’ve always believed that it is not the activity you are doing but the people you are doing it with. This is a prime example. The connection between the team made every service job fun. I realized how important connecting with team members is.

On the first Friday of the program, we were asked to participate in a Gandoca community soccer tournament. This was not your run-of-the-mill local soccer tournament. This was a full-blown, well-organized, tournament with teams from surrounding areas coming to play. I had never seen anything like it. And what was even cooler was all the money raised went to help the local high school. Most of the town showed up to watch or even play in the tournament. There were people of all ages participating. The community welcomed us into the tournament with open arms. They were friendly competitors and were trying to get to know us. Soccer is a huge part of the Costa Rican culture, so being welcomed into it was incredible. We felt connected and valued by the entire community.

The community welcomed us into the tournament with open arms. They were friendly competitors and were trying to get to know us. Soccer is a huge part of the Costa Rican culture, so being welcomed into it was incredible. We felt connected and valued in the entire community.

Most importantly, we connected with our hosts Braulio, Juma, and Andre. They made the trip special. They did every activity with us and really tried to connect with us on a deeper level. Most service leaders are only present for the actual service activities, but they went above and beyond. We played soccer with them, cooked with them, swam with them, and hiked with them. They were our link to the community, and they embraced us with open arms. They are what made this trip so memorable, and I will always be grateful for that.

Looking back on this experience, I realize how important connecting with others is. If we did not foster the connections we did, the trip would have been completely different. Our connection to the community made our service work so much more valuable. We knew the kids attending the schools. We knew the farmers. We understood completely how we were making a difference in the small community. Connection is what drives action. When we feel connected to something we must take the opportunities that are presented and go for it. When you connect, you create a bond that makes everyone feel valued and part of a team.

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