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“ACE provided an incredible experience for our son Jeremy. Traveling to a new part of the world was both transformational and eye-opening. He described the experience in such a positive way, forming new friendships with the other Duke athletes and the people he met in Cape Town. Working with children was especially rewarding, and through Duke’s program, Jeremy found a deep sense of fulfillment. It was a memorable and incredibly impactful adventure.”

Pete and Shari Kain, parents of an #ACEinSouthAfrica Athlete (Summer 2024)

ACE Supports Student-Athletes

ACE supports student-athletes by creating programs that provide students with unique opportunities to engage with communities abroad. We also want to build safe programs, so our team works closely with risk management at Duke. Above all, we want to ensure that we have done all we can do to reduce risks.

We also partner with Duke Student Health as well as sports nutrition, sports performance, mental health & performance, and sports medicine at Duke. Our goal is to provide participants with the best possible preparation and care before, during, and after their program.




Do you have questions about your student-athlete’s health, safety, communication and travel? Our FAQs share the steps ACE puts in place to provide your student-athlete with a safe and transformative experience. Learn more.

Hear from Families

Do you want to hear from ACE families who have had participants in past years? Learn how ACE supports student-athletes.