One thing I was able to learn through volunteering in ACE is that trying new things is not as scary as they may start out to be. Going in to ACE I was worried about having to work with Vietnamese coaches whose first language was not English. I also knew I had to myself to be involved because when I first meet people, I am really shy. However, I could not have been more wrong.
The Vietnamese coaches were extremely nice and were so much fun to work with. They made it easy to be myself in a judgement free zone. This experience not only allowed me to try new things with a less scary attitude, but it showed me how to open up and treat others in a way that makes introducing themselves less scary.
“This experience not only allowed me to try new things with a less scary attitude, but it showed me how to open up and treat others in a way that makes introducing themselves less scary.”
– Sydney Steele, Stanford Softball
I learned that I am more than just a student-athlete. I was able to conquer challenges other than sports or academics that made me feel good. I sometimes feel like a fish out of water being a student-athlete at Stanford, but for the past three weeks with an amazing group of people I felt like I finally found my niche, a place where I belong and felt accepted with open arms.
The reason I was able to feel so accepted was because of my teammates, Elizabeth from Duke and Trang from Vietnam. Because of them, I was so excited to log onto Zoom and get to work. They both always had the biggest smile on their faces and made me feel so comfortable being able to tell my life story to them. I will never forget our little dance parties or how we screamed the “Camp Rock” soundtrack. They will always be a big part of my ACE experience and I truly hope to make it to Vietnam with them both one day.
“One of the reasons I choose to do ACE this year was because it was online. This summer, I am taking a class and doing research, as well as training… Because of zoom, the format allowed me to participate this year.”
– Sydney Steele, Stanford Softball
And if it were not for Zoom, I do not think I would have ever met Elizabeth and Trang or even make the strong bond we did. One of the reasons I choose to do ACE this year was because it was online. This summer, I am taking a class and doing research, as well as training. I have always wanted to join ACE because of all the amazing things I have heard about it. Because of zoom, the format allowed me to participate this year. ACE Vietnam allowed me to get so close with people that will always be a part of my life. I could not be sadder that ACE is already over and the fact that I can’t see them every day.