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I find it difficult to reflect on two weeks’ worth of experiences in a couple of paragraphs, but I will attempt to do so by sharing five moments where I found delight in Gandoca, Costa Rica.

  1. Hatching Sea Turtles: Witnessing tiny sea turtles take their first steps into life was incredible. So much of the community came and gathered around the nest at the beach to watch the turtles brave towards the ocean. Seeing them scoot across the beach was amazing, but what made this a truly joyful moment was knowing how much work the community put in to give these sea turtles the best chance at survival. Every night people patrol up and down the beach watching for turtles to come and lay their nests. The beach needs to be cleaned so the turtles can lay their eggs and hatch safely and people help with those cleanup efforts too. Many community members also contribute through research and protection efforts to give the turtles the best chance at life and repopulation.
  2.  Hiking to Manzanillo: Experiencing the wonders of Costa Rica’s nature was magnificent. Highlights included drinking coconut water atop a cliff, walking along the beach, and spotting incredible wildlife. However, the most joyful moment was the boat ride back from our hike at Manzanillo. As it started raining, we all packed into two boats. My senses were at ease listening to the hum of the engine and the crashing waves, feeling the cool rain on my skin and seeing the vast ocean on one side and the soft shore on the other. The boat stopped as our driver pointed out a pod of dolphins crossing our path. Something about the calmness of the moment and the wonderfulness each of us felt as we watched the dolphins swim away filled me with joy.
  3. Morning Run: Nearly every morning started with a run before breakfast, with a small group of participants eager for a workout before a day of physical labor. This was my favorite part of the day because we ran through the community. Every time we passed a community member, there was a warm interaction—whether a “buenos días,” an “hola,” or simply a smile and a wave. Running while smiling and finishing our runs at a beautiful beach was the best way to start the day. Sometimes, we even encountered horses on the road. But it was really getting to say ”good morning” to the locals that made me feel joyful.
  4. Snakes: Throughout my experience in Costa Rica, we spotted 13 snakes. Initially, I was terrified of these creatures. However, knowing Costa Rica’s abundance of antivenom, coupled with reassurance from the crew, made me feel at ease standing inches away from something potentially dangerous. Oddly enough, this brought me joy. Knowing that the community around me was taking care of a complete stranger who knew nearly nothing about the wildlife around them, brought me joy and made me feel extremely grateful to be where I was, even with all the snakes.
  5. Soccer: I have never seen such a beautiful display of community as during the soccer tournament. The entire community gathered to support the local high school and showcase their soccer skills. Everyone radiated joy, even when a winning shot was missed or a snake slithered through the crowd. Playing small games with locals, especially in Sepecue, was equally memorable. Despite being tired and rain-soaked, we played for hours, experiencing pure delight. Simply being happy playing soccer with the community, regardless of the bruises, was unforgettable.

These moments were joyful because they created long-term happiness. They weren’t just events that made me smile but experiences that changed me internally. The roots of these moments stemmed from the people I shared them with because those people were so in touch with their surroundings and have inspired me to be the same way. The roots of joy planted by the people I met during these past weeks will remain within me forever, as I try to radiate as much joy as they did.

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