Every night as we gathered around the table, we shared these statements: Rose–the highlight of our day, what brought us the most joy. Bud–what we were most looking forward to. Thorn–our greatest challenge of the day. This evening tradition brought us together, grounding us and giving us perspective on this life-changing experience. As we expressed our roses, buds, and thorns, I felt a profound sense of gratitude, hope, and contemplation.
This evening tradition brought us together, grounding us and giving us perspective on this life-changing experience. As we expressed our roses, buds, and thorns, I felt a profound sense of gratitude, hope, and contemplation.
Throughout the weeks, my roses were often similar. Bringing a smile to a child’s face. Building relationships with the kids. The beautiful country we were in. The kindness each person showed us. I can recall each rose vividly, each one sweet and full of appreciation for the beautiful community in Langa and the team I was working with. My buds usually revolved around continuing to establish and strengthen relationships with the children in Langa. It was an honor to befriend these compassionate children, living in tin shacks and wearing the same clothes every day, who taught me the value of true kindness and determination. I came to South Africa as an outsider, suddenly bursting into their home, yet they welcomed me eagerly with wide smiles. I will always be appreciative of their hospitality and openness.
Looking back, my thorns seem so inconsequential. Perhaps it was the relentless downpour that rained out the fields or excursions that had to be canceled. Yet these matters are trivial in light of the conditions of the people living in townships. What we take for granted–heating, education, food on our plates– are never guaranteed in Langa. It breaks my heart that these children, so full of hope and promise, may never have the same chances I have had.
My main takeaway has been that kindness is priceless. It’s never guaranteed, yet so easy to give and can completely change a community.
In life, we deserve nothing. Some are fortunate enough to be born into easier situations than others, yet fundamentally, we get to choose who we become. This experience, and every rose, bud, and thorn we shared, illuminated so many valuable lessons. My main takeaway has been that kindness is priceless. It’s never guaranteed, yet so easy to give and can completely change a community. I am confident that the work done at VUSA, inspiring youth, and the kindness and dedication the coaches put into the kids will change this community forever. I am lucky to have been part of just a fraction of the change being done.