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After completing his ACE experience in 2019, Tim Sah finished his undergraduate education at Stanford and continued on to complete a Master of Science in Management Science and Engineering, also at Stanford. Despite not pursuing a career directly aligned with his ACE experience, Tim notes that he applies the soft skills he learned from engaging and connecting with others on his ACE program daily to his current job.


What are you doing now? How has ACE influenced your career pathway?

I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services which, admittedly, is a far-shot from what we did during ACE. Yet, each day, I find myself applying many skills (like leadership, teamwork, inclusivity, and adaptability) that were staples during our ACE program. I am constantly reminded of the lifelong memories and experiences from my time in Vietnam since, one way or another, I always seem to find myself telling stories about ACE to a curious friend or an inquisitive stranger. I do hope to one day be able to relive the emotions and purpose that I felt during ACE in a future endeavor, and I feel confident that I will eventually find that calling, whatever and wherever it may be.

Share one lesson from ACE that still holds today.

One lesson that I’ve closely held onto from ACE is that relationships are priceless. When I arrived in Vietnam nearly everyone in the program was a stranger to me, but after three short weeks I was saying tearful goodbyes with an overflowing heart. Putting people first is something that helps me feel fulfillment and purpose, especially during difficult or uncertain times.


“This photo was taken of the Blue Team after our final competition day at the end of week 3, during which time our students took tests on academic and life skills lessons and competed in sports. So many happy memories flood me when I look at this photo because it reminds me of the pure joy, energy, and camaraderie we shared with our students. It makes me hopeful to think that if we were able to impact our students even a fraction of how much they impacted us, then maybe we played a role in setting them on a path towards a successful and fulfilling future.”

Describe your ACE experience in as few words as possible:

Purposeful, transformative, and everlasting

Can you share a story about how you have kept in contact with anyone from your program site (program partners) or other members of your Duke-Stanford ACE team?
I’ve occasionally exchanged messages with other Stanford and Duke student-athletes, and I always love reading ACE and Coach for College email updates. I’ve also occasionally exchanged messages with some of our Vietnamese partner coaches and a few of the students we taught during our three-week program.