With our first week in Gordon’s Bay already gone, I am filled with so many experiences and memories. The opportunity to be immersed and introduced to a new community and culture is eye-opening and thrilling, making me realize how truly big our world is. The people of Nomzamo are friendly and often wave to us as we pass by. They have a tight-knit community with local barber shops, markets and various stores surrounded by children of all ages playing and running on the sidewalks and streets. Every morning we are met by a couple of kids waiting outside the primary school’s gates, ready to go inside and begin the sports camp while others gradually walk and file in.
As soon as we open the sports shed and give the kids soccer balls, basketballs and volleyballs, the courtyard is filled with chaos as balls fly everywhere before our morning group warm-up. Throughout the day, the kids rotate through the different stations we set up and after we teach them some basic skills and drills we end each station with a fun but competitive game. Working with these kids and seeing their quick and vast improvement amazes and humbles me – especially teaching and coaching my own sport of volleyball. The passionate, competitive and excited nature they all show to learn something new and play a new sport energizes and inspires me. They all love to pass the ball and rally!
On the weekends during our free time, we get to explore the local areas of Gordon’s Bay with some beautiful hikes as well as overnighting in the city of Cape Town where we toured the township of Langa and got to shop at V&A Waterfront Port and Green Market Square. Cape Town is a beautiful and busy place!