Participating in the ACE program is worth it to me because I have gained so much through my experiences and time at Duke. Giving three weeks of my summer is the least that I can do to try and give back and help others. The impact I hope to make and the lessons I will learn are far more important and valuable to me than having more time to myself.
As part of the Duke in South Africa program, participants will assist with basic healthcare initiatives, activity-based education and teaching,light construction, and sports programs in the community of Nomzamo township near Cape Town.
Christine’s past experiences with service include holding the position of secretary in the Duke Pre-Physical Therapy Association and research and clerical work with Dr. Blythe Williams in the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology

Dear Future #ACEathletes,
- Best advice for learning about ACE: Attend the info sessions! Apply to the places where the goal and project speaks to you, this isn’t a vacation.
- Best advice for applying for ACE: Be honest about yourself and why you’re applying. A good letter of recommendation never hurts.
- Best advice for getting started at your program: The first days are fast and there’s a lot coming at you at once, but work with your team and ask questions!
- Tips for getting to know your community: Ask questions. Be polite and respectful. Listen to those from the area and know it best.
- Tips for training: I did other teammates’ workouts with them to make them more fun and to push one another.